Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Kitchen!!

I love my sisters. And not just because they are fabulous, fun and smart. I really love them this month because they helped me paint my kitchen. I know, it's a little selfish of me. But honestly, I was about to lose it until they both stepped in and helped me. It's amazing how much easier (and so much more fun) it is to paint with someone else. Meghan, my little sister, helped me paint my ceiling and prime the kitchen. And Kathleen, my big sis...well, she helped me do the WHOLE THING. On her spring break, no less. If that's not a good know what I'm sayin'...!

Here's a before:

This is the day of the move -- note the boxes in the kitchen. Hate the cabinets. It's really dark...just old and dark. Also, note the antiquity of the oven. That's staying until we rip the whole room up and start over. I have to say, I'm enjoying my electric oven. :)

One more:

These were lovely. And Sean ripped them all out the first day we moved in. Woohoo!

Here's an after of that same spot:

Ok, it's a bit messy -- consider this a "sneak peak" of the final version.We still have some details to get to (like a cushion on the bench, outlet cover everywhere and window coverings), but at least the fridge fits and we have a place to hang coats. I'm loving the colors!

Here's another:

I love having kid-art out in the open. And, here's one more before and after of a dreaded corner.



The chalkboard door is a big hit!

So, while I wouldn't have chosen the cabinets, the floor or the oven/cooktop, it's definitely livable. I can be happy here for a few years. And, I'm so proud that my sister and I did it ourselves. Sanding, priming, sanding again, painting, sanding again, painting. It was a process, but we got through it together.

Now...on to the next room!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Two down, just a few more to go...

I took complete advantage of my family coming into town for spring break, and have been powering through painting bedrooms. After a few days of lovely kid-sitting from both my parents as well as my mother and father in law, I made some headway: Coleman's room and the guest room are painted!

Here's the before of Coleman's room:

Here it is "After":

And another with his "bunker" beds (he calls them that) of the many bribes in our move to Yakima:

The guest room before:

The after photo is still to come. Stay tuned. Now...on to the kitchen (with help from my lovely sisters!