Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Two down, just a few more to go...

I took complete advantage of my family coming into town for spring break, and have been powering through painting bedrooms. After a few days of lovely kid-sitting from both my parents as well as my mother and father in law, I made some headway: Coleman's room and the guest room are painted!

Here's the before of Coleman's room:

Here it is "After":

And another with his "bunker" beds (he calls them that)...one of the many bribes in our move to Yakima:

The guest room before:

The after photo is still to come. Stay tuned. Now...on to the kitchen (with help from my lovely sisters!


  1. Very nice, what an amazing transformation on both kid's bedrooms, can't wait to see it this Sunday.

  2. Thanks Michele! Now you've seen it all. :)
