Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The worst blogger ever...

Ok, so I admit it - I'm a horrendous blogger. I think I'm better at being a "do-er" and truly just got caught up in my work and forgot to document it all as it was unfolding. Many apologies. I am happy to share it, however. Better late than never, as they say.

At the moment, "Phase One" as we like to refer to it, is complete. I nearly lost my sanity, with everyday getting up, putting on the same old paint-splattered pants and saying hello to my friends "Impervo linen white" and "Aura".

From April through June, my best friends included:
Lovely white vinegar mixed with boiling hot water made a huge mess, but made as quick of work as possible at taking down years and years worth of horrid wallpaper.

I have a new appreciation for olive oil. Yes, it is fantastic to cook with, and I am doing more cooking now that I am staying at home. However, it's also the only thing I found that actually took oil-based paint off of my hands. A key ingredient in clean up!

So, with those fond memories firmly in place, I think I can now walk you through some before and afters. We are far from done, of course. So many details, so many big projects yet to go. BUT, I am happy to say that after months of sweat and elbow grease, we are finally in a home that is starting to feel like ours.

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